Welcome back!

Hi there friend,

Well this isn’t what you expected if coming here to think that TougeNW is back, well in essence it kind of is. A brief history as I will post more in the about page that I found this domain un-registered recently but I also started TougeSW.com a while back as a blog for cars and such in the south west areas. TougeNW 10 years ago had such a huge impact on my life when I came to Central Oregon in 2010, it changed my eyes and impact on life, I’ve met so many wonderful people. I never seen the drama that was also unfolding under the scenes at the time.

For now as I build a business to return to the Pacific Northwest, we will do a write up of some old DriftX of the past and  what I can find in the PNW.

TougeNW has became project for the WR Network.

If you want to help produce blog content or want to showcase  your build for the track in the North West feel free to reach out: tougenw@wonderingraven.net  

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